Polymyxin B Sulphate , Propylene Glycol , Lignocaine
It is a bactericidal preparation active against all the pathogens commonly found in bacterial infections of the ear. Polymixin B is bactericidal against a wide range of gram negative bacilli including Pseudomonas Spp., Escherichia coli, Enterobacter Spp., Klebsiella Spp., and Haemophilus influenzae. It exerts a bactericidal effect by binding to acid phospholipids in the cell wall and membranes of the bacterium, thereby rendering ineffective the osmotic barrier normally provided by the cell membrane. This leads to escape of the cell contents and the death of the organism.
For the symptomatic relief and treatment of otitis externa .
Side Effects
It can cause stinging and burning of ear.
Drug Interactions
Ask your physician or pharmacist before taken another medicine ..
When not to Use
It is contraindicated in patients with known hypersensitivity to the drug
As with other antibiotic preparations , prolonged use may result in overgrowth of non-susceptible organisms , including fungi.